Lab coat pocketbook
Framm et al.: Arzneimittelprofile für die Kitteltasche (app and book)
Auftraggeber: Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

Given that every pharmacist has their smartphone in their lab coat pocket anyway, it made perfect sense to bring out the popular pocketbook reference work on drug profiles Arzneimittelprofile für die Kitteltasche as a mobile app.
Framm is a perfect example of cross-media publishing. The editors use an online editor directly within the DaBi content management system and can generate a preview PDF in the print layout from the XML data on the fly for each drug profile. le-tex can convert the whole XML data set into Android and iOS apps at any time with no manual reworking.
le-tex chose a future-proof, powerful app framework that combines the benefits of HTML5 with the effectiveness of native apps. This has opened up to Deutscher Apotheker Verlag huge potential for further interactive mobile titles in the reference works and learning tools segment, for which this project can serve as a model.