Experiencing nature digitally
Auftraggeber: Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG
The product spectrum of Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, abbreviated to KOSMOS, is extremely diverse: Guidebooks, nature guides, non-fiction, cookbooks, DVDs, books for children and young people, games, experiment kits and, increasingly, e-books and apps to complement the range. As an added extra to supplement the printed guide to garden birds Welcher Gartenvogel ist das?, the e-book version also includes audio samples. Unlike classic media, this enables nature lovers to identify birds instantly in situ from the sound of their call using mobile devices such as an iPad or iPod Touch, or discover the variety of different bird sounds at home.
We anticipate that the production costs of e-books will be less than those of the software products, and further we are confident that we can offer our readers interactive added value compared to mere print products. With le-tex, we are delighted to have found an expert partner to support us with this.