Who we work with
University of Applied Sciences Merseburg, Competence Center Computer Sciences
In numerous jointly supervised Bachelor and Master theses, a close partnership with the technical editing and information design courses has developed in recent years. About half of the jointly supervised Bachelor or Master students have started their career at le-tex after their degree.
HTWK, University of Applied Sciences Leipzig Book and media production
Le-tex has no closer ties to any other university than to the HTWK. In some years, there worked half of the students at le-tex during or after their studies. Even today, our production department is the largest provider of internships and jobs for publishing graduates in Leipzig. On the other side, the HTWK benefits from practical and technologically advanced seminars that le-tex employees offer there.
BaseX GmbH
Mit den Gründern von BaseX verbindet uns nicht nur die gemeinsame Überzeugung vom Wert offener Standards und quelloffener Software, sondern auch eine langjährige Freundschaft. Wir setzen deren Produkt in vielen Bereichen ein, von der schnellen Erkundung von Daten über die massenhaften Analyse und Transformation bis hin zu Web-Anwendungen.